I am Quitting Sugar!

A dear friend messaged me and asked if I would like to be her buddy for the 8 week quit sugar plan (written by Sarah Wilson). Since being on holiday and then Christmas I have certainly started eating sugar again so am very keen to kick start the new year detoxing.
The plan is this: Week one cut down on the sugar – if you normally have 2 sugars in your coffee just have one or half a teaspoon. If you drink juice try adding half water half juice. Opt for some fruit instead of sweets.
Week two: Add fats like butter and cream and animal fats to help curb sugar cravings and add that feel of having a treat.
Week three: No more sugar. At all. No fruit, no sweets, no sugar. Really keep an eye on the sugar content of everything you consume. Even shop bought tomato sauce can have heaps of hidden sugars so read your labels.
You continue like this for 3 weeks to allow your body to adjust to life without sugar.
At week 6 you can start to introduce some fruit and so on.

I am currently only into week two but I am actually looking forward to the challenge and detox.
I will post some updates along the way.

Happy New Year Everyone may it full of health, wealth and happiness 🙂

WHOLE 30 ….. Day 1


Woohooo! Today is our first day of our Whole 30, I am a wee bit excited and a wee bit scared. Excited because I am looking forward to eating loads of yummy fresh food and feeling wonderful for it. Scared because I am a busy mum and some times I cave in and do what is easiest at the time but I know I cant give in for a whole 30 days. Scared because I am an emotional eater and I love dairy.

So after a shocking night with unsettled children getting up several times I longed to put milk in my coffee this morning, but no I am being brave and strong and my coffee is black.

Yesterday we went on a mission to the supermarket (with kids in tow) to stock up on whole 30 foods. I have read and re-read the shopping list http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Shopping-List.pdf but when I got there my mind was blank. We went and grabbed our normal fruit and veg but I would have liked to get more veg especially things we might not normally eat like bokchoy. I’m sure as we get more into it we will boost our veg intake.

We have 2 children aged 4 and 1.5 and they are coming along for the ride. It wont be as strict for them but I would like our journey to influence them to eat more protein and veggies (haha what parent doesn’t want their kids to eat more veggies). I want them to learn the importance of food and nutrients so when they eat they know how it is helping their bodies.

My first cup of many black coffees is now finished and I am about to brew another and make some eggs and spinach for brekky.
Wish me luck!
If you wish to follow our family on this journey through the Whole 30 subscribe to my feed or find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Four-Happy-Days/152800354869412